10 February 2011

Money Never Sleeps

Money may have no time for shut-eye, but I think a few people did in the 2010 movie of that title. Shame, really. The original (prequel, they call them) -- Oliver Stone's 1987 film Wall Street (click for a golden synopsis) -- was so great. A robot butler?! Brilliant.

If you're having a 1987 Gordon Gekko moment, take a crisp Yanky dollar bill (or iron a raggedy one a friend newly back from New York found in her purse) and fold (as below) ...

If you're having a Shia LaBeouf moment, take a time out. It may prevent you from becoming involved in more disastrous sequels to well-loved movies of the 1980s.

xo linds.

shirt, Cos; bow tie, US Treasury


Unknown said...

1)I am in complete agreement that Money never sleeps was appauling (I need my movie buddy back!) and
2)that dollar bill bow tie is AWESOME! I want one and want to know when you have the time to find these things!!

info.design.notes[at]gmail.com said...

thanks jj :) i have to fess up, jonny was the one who found this gem (he is in the throws of a bow tie obession). when he showed me the clip i _had_ to give it a shot! xoxo