27 February 2011

Pimp ma plastic bag

Raf Simons is the completely brilliant design force behind Jil Sander, but when he threw plastic bags down the runway for Spring 2011 [pictured left] I was ... amused. When I then heard that the bags already had a waiting list I was grinning and ready to write you a post on "when designers go bonkers".

First, however, came some research. I fished a Tesco plastic shopping bag out from next to the wine rack (their natural home). I looked at it, turned it inside out, pulled it apart and, well, marvelled at it. The plastic shopping bag is nothing more, or less, than good design.*

While I'm not advocating spending your time or money at the end of a Jil Sander waiting list, the application of humble shopping bag design principles to a more durable fabric deserves consideration. To be continued ...

Raf, why did I doubt you?

xo linds.  

*I appreciate that this praise cannot reasonably be extended to the plastic bag's environmental impact.

20 February 2011

Lil bit disco

necklace, diy; lipstick in pink plaid, MAC; black body suit, Asos
I have often watched (with much admiration) my best friend rock a fabric-and-bead necklace c.1995 salvaged from her mum's collection. I love this idea to bits; so simple and fun. Here is my attempt.

I used a silver fabric with an open weave (lil bit disco) -- a block colour, tribal pattern or liberty print would also work brilliantly. The beads can be knotted inside the fabric tube (yep, it's as simple as a strip of fabric with a seam), or threaded through, or both.

xo linds.

10 February 2011

Money Never Sleeps

Money may have no time for shut-eye, but I think a few people did in the 2010 movie of that title. Shame, really. The original (prequel, they call them) -- Oliver Stone's 1987 film Wall Street (click for a golden synopsis) -- was so great. A robot butler?! Brilliant.

If you're having a 1987 Gordon Gekko moment, take a crisp Yanky dollar bill (or iron a raggedy one a friend newly back from New York found in her purse) and fold (as below) ...

If you're having a Shia LaBeouf moment, take a time out. It may prevent you from becoming involved in more disastrous sequels to well-loved movies of the 1980s.

xo linds.

shirt, Cos; bow tie, US Treasury