woolandthegang.com |
Look what arrived!
This knitting kit [pictured left] is produced by Wool and the Gang [woolandthegang.com], a business founded by Paris-based duo Lisa Sabrier and Carolyn Main. Wool and the Gang work in partnership with the people - and alpaca - of two small towns in Peru to produce a range of knitting kits and ready-to-wear pieces. They are (in their own words) "a gang of knitters, guys and girls from 7 to 77 years old, all tied together by a piece of yarn …". Bless.
Not only good, clean, crafty fun, Wool and the Gang's kits turn into modern and thoughtfully designed garments and accessories in sheep's wool, super-soft pima cotton and alpaca wool. My kit contains all the elements needed to knit my way into two crop tops – one in nude pink, the other cinder black. I'll update you on my progress.
xo linds.
PS. The last image in the series below is of a poster that came with the kit - it's a taster plate of the Wool and the Gang projects on offer. I picked the crop tops kit, but was sorely tempted by the Tala Tank Top (in brick red) and the James Jacket (in midnight blue).
xo linds.
PS. The last image in the series below is of a poster that came with the kit - it's a taster plate of the Wool and the Gang projects on offer. I picked the crop tops kit, but was sorely tempted by the Tala Tank Top (in brick red) and the James Jacket (in midnight blue).
linds, i'm really enjoying your new blog, design notes. i've been a fan since you first post. i particularly like the use of two hyphens masquarading as an en-dash in its title. and i would like to knit something now.
thanks caroline :) honestly, design-notes was taken, so design"--"notes it was! knit away, i say - really good (and free) online tutorials at www.woolandthegang.com/en/video xoxo
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